Date | 2020-12-09 |
Speaker | 남경식 |
Dept. | UCLA |
Room | 선택 |
Time | 14:00-15:00 |
* 장소: Zoom (주소 문의 : 서인석 교수)
The exponential random graph model (ERGM) is a version of the Erdos-Renyi graphs, obtained by tilting according to the subgraph counting Hamiltonian. Despite its importance in the theory of random graphs, lots of fundamental questions have remained unanswered owing to the lack of exact solvability. In this talk, I will introduce a series of new concentration of measure results for the ERGM in the entire sub-critical phase, including a Poincare inequality, Gaussian concentration, and a central limit theorem. Joint work with Shirshendu Ganguly.