Oct 17, 2023  16:00-17:00  Improved bounds for Stein's square functions 이진봉  27-116 
Oct 17, 2023  16:00-17:30  New approaches to discovering symplectic non-convexity Jun Zhang  129-406 
Oct 17, 2023  17:00-18:00  A Sharp square function estimate for the moment curves in R^d 고혜림  27-116 
Oct 13, 2023  09:00-12:00  HYKE-Hwarang Intensive Lectures Hayato Chiba  27-325 
Oct 13, 2023  14:00-16:00  Artificial sensory E-skin devices 윤지용  선택 
Oct 12, 2023  16:40-17:10  What are Generative Models? 최재웅  129-101 
Oct 12, 2023  16:00-16:30  Mathematical understanding of first-order optimization algorithms 박지선  129-101 
Oct 11, 2023  17:00-18:30  Random matrices and quantum information theory 윤상균  129-301 
Oct 10, 2023  10:00-11:00  A few directions in optimal transport 김영헌  27-116 
Oct 10, 2023  16:00-17:00  A sharp Mizohata-Takeuchi-type estimate for the cone 함세헌  27-116 
Oct 10, 2023  17:00-18:00  Sharp local $L^p$ estimates for the Hermite eigenfunctions 유재현  27-116 
Oct 06, 2023  19:00~21:00  Diagonal quinary quadratic forms with a strong regularity property 김경민  27-325 
Oct 05, 2023  11:00-12:00  Quantum Decompositions of Random Variables and Analytic Representations of CAP Operators 지운식  129-301 
Oct 05, 2023  15:00-16:00  Sup-norm Estimates for Cauchy-Riemann Operator and Corona Problem Song-Ying Li  27-325 
Oct 04, 2023  17:00-18:30  Random matrices and operator algebras 윤상균  129-301 
Sep 25, 2023  16:00-17:00  A survey on generalized Schr"{o}dinger operators along curves Wenjuan Li  27-220 
Sep 25, 2023  17:00-18:00  A sharp Mizohata-Takeuchi-type estimate for the cone 함세헌  27-220 
Sep 21, 2023  15:00-16:30  Liouville problems in the Fluid Mechanics 채동호  27-325 
Sep 19, 2023  16:00-16:30  Universal-like integral quadratic forms 윤종흔  129-101 
Sep 19, 2023  16:40-17:10  Non-vanishing mod p of special L-values 권재성  129-101