Feb 12, 2016  14:00-15:00  Multi-resolution Analysis of a Covariance Matrix for Graphical Model Selection Won Hwa Kim  27-116 
Feb 12, 2016  15:00-16:00  The index of an Eisenstein ideal 유화종  129-310 
Feb 12, 2016  16:00-17:00  On the Chern numbers for pseudo-free circle actions 안병희  25-103 
Jan 29, 2016  11:00-12:00  Strong approximation with Brauer-Manin obstruction for groupic varieties Fei Xu  129-301 
Jan 29, 2016  15:30-16:30  삼성 생산기술연구소 소개 및 수학의 필요성 박상봉  27-220 
Jan 22, 2016  16:00-17:00  Monte Carlo Estimation for Dothan Bond Pricing Model 김제국  27-116 
Jan 22, 2016  17:00-18:00  The pricing of diverse options using integral transforms 윤지훈  27-116 
Jan 14, 2016  14:00-15:00  Almost-Kahler Anti-Self-Dual metrics 김인영  25-103 
Jan 08, 2016  15:00-16:00  Substitution dynamical systems 손영환  27-325 
Jan 07, 2016  16:00-18:00  Exotic quotients of surface groups Thomas Koberda  129-301 
Jan 05, 2016  16:00-18:00  Quantum Information in continuous variable regime 김호준  129-301 
Jan 04, 2016  14:00-16:00  Topological approach to seed-trivial mutation sequences in cluster algebras 김현규  129-301 
Dec 22, 2015  16:00-18:00  Global well-posedness of the NLS system for infinitely many fermions 홍영훈  27-116 
Dec 17, 2015  15:00-16:00  Random semigroups in solvable linear groups file Keivan Mallahi-Karai  129-104 
Dec 17, 2015  16:00-18:00  Quantum Information Theory Basics 지동표  129-301 
Dec 16, 2015  14:00-15:00  L-function, Euler to Langlands 최영주  27-220 
Dec 15, 2015  14:00-17:00  Recursiveness and Propagation for 2-variable Weighted Shifts Jasang Yoon  129-406 
Dec 15, 2015  16:00-17:00  Coordinate systems of higher Teichmuller spaces Hyunkyu Kim  129-104 
Dec 14, 2015  14:00-17:00  The flatness and Schur product of mono-weakly hyponormal two variable weighted shifts Jasang Yoon  129-301 
Dec 11, 2015  16:00-17:00  Five lectures on Geometric Invariant Theory (5) Victoria Hoskins  129-301