2019-11-09  13:30-15:30  Nondivergence elliptic and parabolic problems with irregular obstacles 오제한  27-325 
2019-11-07  13:30-14:30  Introduction to Mathematical Models in Biological/Medical Sciences 정일효  27-325 
2019-11-07  14:30-15:30  State estimation for a high-dimensional nonlinear system by particle-based filtering methods 김상일  27-325 
2019-11-06  17:00-18:00  Optimal Retirement with Long-Run Income Risk 박세영  27-325 
2019-11-06  10:00-11:00  A condition for blow-up solutions to discrete semilinear wave equations on networks file 최민준  27-220 
2019-11-06  16:00-17:30  The Beurling-Lax-Halmos Theorem for infinite multiplicity (I) file 이우영  129-301 
2019-11-05  11:00-12:00  Hyper-elastic Ricci Flow Marshall Slemrod  27-220 
2019-11-04  11:00-12:00  When Biology meets Mathematics: Solving Big Problems 김아람  129-301 
2019-11-01  16:00-17:00  STRUCTURE OF THE MORDELL-WEIL GROUP OVER $\mathbb{Z}_p$ - EXTENSIONS 이재훈  27-325 
2019-10-31  14:00-15:30  An ordering problem on triangulated surfaces from quantum Teichmüller theory 김현규  27-325 
2019-10-30  16:00-17:30  ntroduction to Thompson's groups 허재성  129-301 
2019-10-30  14:00-16:00  Reconstruction of TP2 via tropical Lagrangian multi-section Yat-Hin Suen  27-325 
2019-10-29  16:00-16:40  An overview of the Chen-Stein method for convergence of probability distributions Diego Marcondes  27-220 
2019-10-29  16:50-17:50  Potential theory of Markov chains Claudio Landim  27-220 
2019-10-28  13:00-15:00  ynamics on PGL_2 over a field over Laurent series 권상훈  27-116 
2019-10-28  18:00-19:00  Data Integration and Manifold Optimization 최서원  129-104 
2019-10-28  17:00-18:00  Investigation of ‘Flash Crash” via Topological Data Analysis (TDA) 김원세  129-104 
2019-10-25  14:00-16:00  Fractional differentiability results for nonlinear measure data problems with coefficients file 윤영훈  129-104 
2019-10-25  16:00-18:00  Hessian estimates for fully nonlinear equations via the large-M-inequality principle 이미경  129-104 
2019-10-22  16:00-17:00  Well-posedness issues of some dispersive equations under the periodic boundary condition file 곽철광  27-116