1. 2022-1 Rookies Pitch: Symplectic/Algebraic Geometry (좌동욱)

  2. <2020년도 젊은 과학자상 수상 기념강연> Metastability of stochastic systems

  3. Geometric Langlands theory: A bridge between number theory and physics

  4. Noise-induced phenomena in stochastic heat equations

  5. 2022-1 Rookies Pitch: Functional Analysis (Wang Xumin)

  6. 2022-1 Rookies Pitch: Probability, PDE (Ramil Mouad)

  7. Mirror symmetry of pairings

  8. 2022-1 Rookies Pitch: Geometric Group Dynamics (서동균)

  9. 2022-1 Rookies Pitch: Symplectic Topology (문지연)

  10. A dissipative effect on some PDEs with physical singularity

  11. <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> Secure computation: Promise and challenges

  12. 2022-1 Rookies Pitch: PDE, Emergent Dynamics (안현진)

  13. 2022-1 Rookies Pitch: Cryptography (이기우)

  14. Geometric structures and representation spaces

  15. 2022-1 Rookies Pitch: Integrable Systems (Sylvain Carpentier)

  16. 2022-1 Rookies Pitch: Number Theory (이석형)

  17. <정년퇴임 기념강연> 리만 가설에 관련된 옌센 다항식의 영점

  18. 2021-2 Rookies Pitch: Representation Theory(김영훈)

  19. 2021-2 Rookies Pitch: Representation Theory(장일승)

  20. Infinite order rationally slice knots

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